Oct 17, 2013

How To Control Number of Posts Per Pages in Blogger?

How to control posts per page in blogger
To have a decent blog means everything in your blog should be arranged in a sober way. Each and every content of your blog must be in a well managed order. But for beginners it happens often that, if each posts in a blog is published with large number of words, characters and informations including image files, video files etc. then the appearance of your blogger site become messy. It don't give you the feel of soberness anywhere. And here you wish to limit the number of posts in per page of your bloggers sites.

Well this is not the trick but it is the necessary for you to know that how to control number of posts per pages in your blogger sites? Let's see the tutorial now

You can control the number of posts by two three ways but we are going to teach you the simplest way with which you can control the number of posts

  • Open Blogger Dashboard → Settings → Posts and Comments

  • You will see a control panel like this

  • Now see the highlighted part in your Bloggers Control Panel.
  • From here you can limit the number of posts to displayed in your blog's per page.

You can also control the number of posts using a small piece of code, but problem with this method is that it will limit the posts only in that page in which this code is interlinked with the url of that page. Anyway you must also know about this code.




Here you see some pieces of code are highlighted in  reddish-pink . The highlighted part is the code  which defines the number of posts to be shown in per search.

Final Words

Though this tutorial is easy one but we sometimes even the easiest of the work becomes difficult to do and there can be many reasons behind it. May it can be your inner frustration or your workload or you may be multitasking etc. And we can't predict that when a easy task becomes a difficult trade, so we have presented a tutorial in a easy way which will help you if you are really in need. 

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