While creating a site you have to consider many things, among them the first thing is getting recognized by the search engines. Without it your created site is of no use and soon it will suicide your dream of doing online business and earning profit from it.
The technique used to get recognized by the search engines is known as Search Engine Optimization in short SEO. Adding more to your surprise if your site is hosted on Blogger platform then you are going to enjoy some of the awesome inbuilt SEO services that Google itself provide to the Blogspot users. (Blogger is a blogging platform which is under the Google firm). But before using it you must know all about the SEO Facts of Blogger. Here in this tutorial we will be learning how to use Custom Header Robot Tags, so that you can optimize the search results of your site on Google Search Engine.
Before understanding what is Header Robot Tags, first you must acquire yourself with how is the functioning of some top search engines? Let us take a example of well known search engine that is Google.com
Home page is set to all that means Google-bots/Robots will index everything in your page.
Archive and Search Pages is set to nofollow that means it will be indexed properly by the robots but the links inside your archive pages and search pages will not be displayed in the search results.
Posts and Pages is set to all that means all the pages in your site will be indexed well by the robots and it will also show it in search results.
Now save the changes and breathe deeply that you have done Search Engine Optimization all yourself only. Congratulations to you for this great step.
The technique used to get recognized by the search engines is known as Search Engine Optimization in short SEO. Adding more to your surprise if your site is hosted on Blogger platform then you are going to enjoy some of the awesome inbuilt SEO services that Google itself provide to the Blogspot users. (Blogger is a blogging platform which is under the Google firm). But before using it you must know all about the SEO Facts of Blogger. Here in this tutorial we will be learning how to use Custom Header Robot Tags, so that you can optimize the search results of your site on Google Search Engine.
Before You Must Read All In One SEO Basics For Blogger
What Is Header Robot Tags?
Before understanding what is Header Robot Tags, first you must acquire yourself with how is the functioning of some top search engines? Let us take a example of well known search engine that is Google.com
There is a set of process that Google follows before starting to index your site and it's pages. After creating your weblog or website you have to submit a sitemap to Google webmasters page. Remember sitemap is only accepted in the form of xml files.
After sitemap is submitted then Google set it's Robots to the work of indexing your site and it's pages and all the content in it. These Robots are also known as Google-bots or Web Spiders as they crawl over the whole the world wide web and index uncountable sites and pages every minute.
And these Robots are bound to some set of rules or you can say that they are are able to do their work (i.e. indexing the pages) only if you provide them some set of codes.
You must thank Google and Blogger for it because in sites which are hosted on Blogger you won't have to add codes.
And these Robots are bound to some set of rules or you can say that they are are able to do their work (i.e. indexing the pages) only if you provide them some set of codes.
You must thank Google and Blogger for it because in sites which are hosted on Blogger you won't have to add codes.
So What We Have To Do?
Blogger is loved by millions, and there is a very strong reason behind it i.e. Blogger is very easy to use. Everything in it is arranged in a quite simple manner that everyone from 10-50 yrs can operate it easily.
Now to activate the Header Robot Tags in your site go to control panel/Dashboard → Settings → Search Preferences
What We Have Done?
Home page is set to all that means Google-bots/Robots will index everything in your page.
Archive and Search Pages is set to nofollow that means it will be indexed properly by the robots but the links inside your archive pages and search pages will not be displayed in the search results.
Posts and Pages is set to all that means all the pages in your site will be indexed well by the robots and it will also show it in search results.
Now save the changes and breathe deeply that you have done Search Engine Optimization all yourself only. Congratulations to you for this great step.
What Trackers Say?
In a nutshell SEO is the breathe for all the sites on the internet, without it any of the site just can't survive at all. And that too in today's strong competition among millions of new born sites daily, it becomes must for you to optimize the SEO of your site. You must also know that optimizing work for your site doesn't ends here only. SEO is not the matter of a day that you'll complete it and start resting on your sofa. If you are wondering something like it then read it surely
Secret Facts About SEO That No one will tell you
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