Dec 9, 2013

Green Lava Threaded Comment Theme For Bloggers

Hey Friends I am back again with the most awaited thing by you all. If you might have read my previous posts on which I have provided a freebie i.e. customized comment theme for bloggers used by trackmyblog itself. But due to lack of time second theme was left as coming soon, but friends really I would have felt bad myself if I kept you waited for long for this simple freebie widget, so soon I completed some left works and then prepared this article for you.

customized threaded comments for bloggers

Comment System 2 : Green Lava

This comment theme has been used in gadget mag, a simple but responsive blogger theme created by me. I have shared it as freebie on our sister site Template Trackers. Well to say about there are lot of things in this theme, but I'll mention important features only here and for the rest of review you will be appointed soon after the end of this para :)

This theme is named as green lava because this theme is painted with green color and with it's shades. Yeah! Green is my favourite color so I've given a touch of greenry in this new theme for blogger comments. This theme is also auto-numbers the nested comments with the help of counter-reset and counter-increment property I've used in the stylesheet of this theme.

Yeah! I know it, now you might be wondering that what is this counter-reset and counter-increment. That's why I've already written in brief on this topic. 

So moving on ahead let's have a look on the screenshot of this comment theme named  Green Lava

threaded comments for bloggers
Click on the image to see live demo of the comments.

So I must stop talking now about this theme and let me show you the stylesheet code of this comment theme.

Here's The Code


Green Lava Comment Theme
.comments {padding: 30px 1em 0;clear: both;margin: 0 1em 1em;background: #FFF;border: 1px solid #DADADA;}
.comments ol{list-style:none;counter-reset:trackit}
.comments ol li {list-style:none;counter-increment:trackit}
.comments ol li:before {
content: counters(trackit,".");position: absolute;right: 1.5em;color: #6CB61A;font-size: 24px;background: rgba(133, 206, 53, 0.4);border-radius: 50%;-moz-border-radius: 50%;
padding: 1px 9px;}
.comments .comments-content .comment-replies .comment-thread ol li:before {
content: counters(trackit,".");position: absolute;right: 2.5em;color: rgba(1, 111, 1, 0.34);font-size: 24px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
border-radius: 0%;-moz-border-radius:0%;}
.comments h4 {  font-size: 25px;  line-height: 30px;  padding: 0;  text-transform: capitalize;  }
.comments .avatar-image-container {float: left;max-height: 65px;overflow: hidden;width: 65px;max-width: 65px;}
.comments .avatar-image-container img {max-width: 65px;max-height: 65px;min-height: 65px;min-width: 65px;}
.comments .comment-block {margin-left: 5em;position: relative;word-wrap: break-word;}
.comments .comments-content .user {font-style: normal;font-weight: bold;background: #85CE35;padding: 1px 5px;font-size: 14px;}
.comments .comments-content .user a {
color: #FFF;}
.comments .comments-content {display: none;}
.comments .comments-content .datetime {margin: 0;background: rgba(133, 206, 53, 0.25);padding: 1px 5px;font-size: 14px;}
.comments .comments-content .datetime a{color:#6CB61A}
.comments .thread-toggle {
display: none;}
.comments .comments-content .comment-header {margin: 0 0 8px -2em;overflow: overlay;position: relative;}
.comments .comments-content .comment-replies .comment-thread ol li {border-top: 2px solid #86B15E;border-bottom:0px!important;background: rgba(100, 201, 22, 0.1);padding: 10px;}
.comments .comments-content li.comment {
border-bottom: 2px solid #86B15E;
.comments .comments-content .comment:last-child {border-bottom: 2px solid #86B15E;padding-bottom: 0;

Listen Now

Dear readers you  have to copy and paste this code before ]]></b:skin> in your blog's template.

  • For this open your Blogger dashboard→ Template → Html editor
  • Now by pressing Ctrl+F search for the above highlighted code and paste the stylesheet of the comment theme just before it. 

After adding the code save the template and see the whole new theme installed to your blogger template.

Final Thoughts

Friends as we all know that we need support from others and so we also support others so that we can stand together to help each other, with what we have got special with us. So please show us your respect by leaving your valuable comments below in comment box. With your love we will able to perform well as we will get recognized by more and more peoples. 

Friends as I have mentioned that this is a freebie so you can share this comment theme in your respective blog's but do not forget to give proper credit to us. We want you to respect the time consumed while creating this themes for blogger users.


  1. Thanks for your work, of course. I did try it this gadget but it cut in half the user's avatar, in a horizontal way.
    :( Regards

    1. try out*
      Anyway I will browse and read some more on your page! Thanks!

    2. Hey! Ob sorry for late reply just give me the url of your blog let me check what's the problem

    3. Hi, no problem thank you. Probably my layout as I tried other codes too and they cut in half the avatars of the members. :( I follow now your page anyway, thanks, regards.

    4. Yeah! I checked your blog it's simple coding mistake it will be fixed in minutes only. If you want to fix it

    5. Thank you, what is that I can do to make it work? Thanks!

    6. Hey! Ob add this CSS in your blog's Html Editor just before ]]><../b:skin..>?

      .comments .avatar-image-container {
      float: left;
      max-width: 36px;
      max-height: 36px;
      overflow: hidden;
      width: 36px!important;
      height: 36px!important;
      padding: 1px;

      .comments .avatar-image-container img {
      max-width: 36px;
      max-height: 36px;
      width: 36px;
      height: 36px;

  2. hey sao nice to add a author button in author comment???????????

    1. Hey! Salim ali thanks for stopping by here :-)
      To highlight the comment of blog author you add the below given css {
      content: "| MOD";
      position: absolute;
      color: #fff;
      font-size: 12px;
      left: 0;
      font-weight: bold;
      font-family: verdana;
      top: -4px;
      .comments .comments-content {
      position: relative;
      width: 48px;
      display: inline-block;
      height: 13px;
      padding: 0 0 7px;
      margin: 0 0 -5px;

  3. how i can put slider on Decorus Template?
    what is mean 'Mixed' 'girl' ...

    1. Slider is already installed in Decorus and the word MIXED you mentioned is the name of post label.

      You have to find the word mixed and replace it with any other post labels then your slider will be active
